



  A significant component of corporate governance is the legal framework surrounding the responsibilities and with them the liabilities of company directors. Both China and Germany have established comprehensive legal frameworks for that and follow similar principles; however, each in their own approach. Especially in light of the newly revised Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (CL PRC) having taken effect on July 1, 2024, this essay explores and compares the basic provisions of company directors’ liabilities under Chinese and German law.


  Legal framework in China


  In China, the responsibilities of company directors are mainly defined in the Company Law. This law includes their duties and their roles regarding corporate governance and liability in case of misconduct.


  According to Article 180 CL PRC, the underlying principles that shall apply for every director are mainly based on fiduciary duty as well as loyalty and diligence. This means that directors must always act in the best interests of the company and exercise their powers with due diligence. Additionally, conflicts of interest should be avoided, and their positions and powers should especially not be exploited for personal gain. As part of the board of directors which is the executive organ of a company, its expansive authority forces the obligations and liabilities of a director to be stringent.

  《公司法》明确规定了董事的具体义务,如催缴出资的义务(《公司法》第51条),不得利用职权从事贿赂、侵占公司资产等违反对公司忠实义务的行为(《公司法》第181条),不得利用关联关系损害公司利益(《公司法》第22条),自我交易需向董事会或股东会报告并经决议通过(《公司法》第182 条),不得利用职务便利谋取公司商业机会(特定情形除外)(《公司法》第183条),竞业禁止义务(《公司法》第184条),以及应要求报告履职情况的义务(《公司法》第80条)。

  The specified obligations of a director are explicitly outlined in the Company Law, such as the obligation to call up capital contributions (Article 51 CL PRC), the prohibition to take advantage of their powers in violation of the obligation of loyalty to the company such as embezzlement or bribery(Article 181 CL PRC), the prohibition to take advantage of related-party relationship to damage the company's interests (Article 22 CL PRC), the requirement to report self-dealing transactions to the board of directors or the shareholders' meeting and to obtain an approval by resolution (Article 182 CL PRC), the prohibition to take advantage of their position to pursue business opportunities of the company except under specified circumstances (Article 183 CL PRC), non-competition obligation (Article 184 CL PRC), and the obligation to submit reports on the performance of their duties upon request (Article 80 CL PRC).


  The significance of the director's role is particularly evident in their liquidation duties, a responsibility now explicitly highlighted by the new Company Law in Article 232. Prior to this recent amendment, Article 183 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (Amended in 2018) stated that the liquidation group of a limited liability company should be formed by the shareholders, while for a company limited by shares, the liquidation group should comprise members appointed by the directors or the board of shareholders. The problem was that this would easily create a situation in which especially small and medium shareholders of limited liability companies had to face liability for failures of liquidation duties. Essentially, the new provision can be seen as a specific codification of the directors’ duty of diligence.


  In the case that a director violates the statutory obligations and thus causes damages to the Company, the shareholders or others, he/she shall bear the corresponding liability according to the corresponding fault. In particular, the new Company Law breaks through the limitation of external liability assumed by the company, in the case that the director's execution of duties causes damage to a third party due to his/her intent or gross negligence, he/she shall be directly liable for compensation externally. If neither intent nor gross negligence is applicable, the company shall be held liable, see Article 191 CL PRC.

  具体承担责任的类型不仅限于民事责任(如赔偿所造成的任何损失,见《公司法》第51、188、191、192条),还可延伸至刑事责任(见《公司法》第 179、264条),具体取决于违规行为的严重程度。

  The types of liability are not only limited to civil liability (such as compensations for any losses incurred, see Articles 51, 188, 191, 192 CL PRC) but can also extend to criminal liability (refer to Articles 179, 264 CL PRC), depending on the severity of the breach.

  在仔细研究《公司法》第51条(该条规定,董事会未提醒股东按时履行出资义务并因此给公司造成损失的,责任董事应承担赔偿责任)时,必须考虑到《公司法》的司法解释同时规定了高级管理人员的催缴义务。《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定(三)》(2020年修正)第13条第 4 款规定,董事和高级管理人员都有责任催缴出资,但在新的《公司法》下,高级管理人员是否仍有此责任,后续可能要由司法解释来进一步明确。不过,根据《公司法》第53条,在股东非法抽逃出资并给公司造成损失的情况下,负有责任的董事、监事和高级管理人员与抽逃出资的股东之间存在明确的连带责任。

  When taking a closer look at Article 51 CL PRC (which states that the responsible director is liable for compensation if the board of directors fails to remind shareholders to fulfill their capital contributions duties on time and if this causes losses to the company), it has to be taken into account that the judicial interpretation of the Company Law stipulates the call up capital contributions obligation of the senior executives in the meantime.Article 13 paragraph 4 of the PRC SPR Provisions (III) (Amended in 2020) specifies that both directors and senior executives are responsible for calling up capital contributions, it may be up to futher judicial interpretation to clarify if senior executives still have this duty under the new Company Law. However, there is definite joint liability between the liable directors, supervisors and senior executives and the withdrawing shareholders according to Article 53 CL PRC in case of illicit withdrawal of capital contributions by shareholders and incurrence of losses to the company.


  Legal framework in Germany


  German law also codifies the obligations and liability of company directors. However, there is one main systematic difference between the Chinese and German approach.

  中国采用的是集中式规制,有限责任公司和股份有限公司都在中国《公司法》中加以规定,而德国则没有一部全面的"公司法"。相反,这两种不同类型的公司遵循各自的法典,每个法典都对其董事的责任(赔偿责任)进行了规定:股份有限公司遵循"Aktiengesetz"(AktG),有限责任公司遵循"Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung"(GmbHG)。

  While China follows the centralized solution where both the limited liability company (LLC) and the joint stock limited company (JSC) are addressed within the Chinese Company Law, Germany does not have only one comprehensive “company law”. Instead, these two different types of companies follow their own respective codifications that each tailor the responsibilities (and thus also the liability) of their directors: the so-called “Aktiengesetz“ (AktG) for JSCs and the “Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung” (GmbHG) for LLCs.


  Due to the differing structures of German JSC or LLC, an understanding of German company structures is essential in order to understand the roles of a German “director”.


  The German company structuresconcerning their executive branches




  Since this essay only explores the roles of a director in the executive sense, this paragraph will only focus on the executive company branches that come close to the Chinese idea of a director. This term is not to be confused with the German “Direktor” which is only a general term used to describe managers of more specific divisions, and thus not subject of this essay.


  In short, the director in China is a member of the board of directors responsible for important decisions and the company’s management. Such a board does not exist in a German LLC. Instead, its role is mainly split into two governance bodies: The “Geschäftsführer” (managing director) and “Gesellschafter” (shareholders). The latter appoint the managing director or multiple manager directors, who will bear the responsibility for the company’s day-to-day operations as the primary executive officer. However, it is the shareholders that have ultimate control and highest decision-making ability since they own the company. They convene to decide the appointing or dismissal of the managing director, to approve and oversee major company actions.


  In contrast, a German JSC has a more complex structure and is therefore not governed by the same means as in an LLC. However in essence, the main governance serves the same functions as in an LLC but only with a more scattered allocation of tasks. The governance structure typically includes an executive board (“Vorstand”) operating the company’s tasks, which is overseen by a supervisory board (“Aufsichtsrat”), as well as a general meeting (“Hauptversammlung”) where the major decisions are being made by the attending shareholders.


  Since a German shareholder and managing director of an LLC, or the executive board, supervisory board and general meetings of a JSC fulfill the roles of a Chinese director in a combinatory way, the following paragraph will focus on the responsibility and liability of each respectively.


  Responsibility and liability of a German LLC


  German companies generally emphasize a high standard of responsibilities and liability for their executive officers. While the scope of duties for the German shareholders of an LLC is legally outlined in § 46 GmbHG, including the approval of financial statements and the oversight of management etc., there is no such definition for the managing director. Thus, his responsibilities will need to be specified in his contract and will be derived from the principles that he has to adhere to.


  The main principle is the duty of care outlined in § 43 paragraph 1 GmbHG, followed by the duty of loyalty, although the latter is not codified but widely recognized by means of general legal practice. These principles include the duty to comply with the law and fiduciary duties such as acting in the best interests of the company and refraining from any actions that could harm the company like conflicting interests or exploiting the company's assets. Additionally, the managing director is obliged to plan and manage the company, to monitor liquidity and financial status – especially regarding risk management; to stay continuously informed about all significant matters of the company; and to supervise other managing directors, subordinate employees, and third parties.

  在评估董事总经理是否涉嫌违反职责时,商业判断规则起着重要作用。这条不成文的规则规定,董事总经理在商业决策中拥有自由裁量权,也就是说,如果他们能够根据充分的信息,合理地认为自己的决定符合公司的最佳利益,那么就没有违反职责。但是,如果违反了其职责,那么根据《有限责任公司法》第43条第 2 款的规定,董事总经理可能要对由此造成的损失承担责任。

  When evaluating the performance of the managing director in suspicion of a breach of their duties, the business judgment rule plays an important role. This unwritten rule dictates that managing directors have discretionary power in business decisions meaning if they could reasonably assume, based on sufficient information, that their decision was in the best interests of the company, there is no breach of duty. However, if it constitutes a breach of his duties, then the managing director can be held liable for incurred damages according to § 43 paragraph 2 GmbHG.


  Responsibility and liability of a German JSC


  In contrast to the mostly unwritten responsibilities of the executive branch in an LLC, the AktG for German JSCs follows a stricter legal approach. While some guiding principles for exercising duties are only vaguely written as well, certain duties are specifically codified.


  Principles derived from § 76 AktG like the legality principle or fiduciary obedience in the form of realizing the shareholders’ interests are also valid for JSCs even if not explicitly mentioned. However, when it comes to the specific executives, the Aktiengesetz displays explicit guidelines, such as the principle of neutrality according to § 53a AktG which codifies that the executive board has to treat all shareholders equally.


  Another main principle that the executive board has to adhere to is the duty of care, which in contrast to the GmbHG is written in detail in § 93 AktG. There, it says that the executive board has to apply a general standard of care which will be determined by how a diligent and conscientious manager of a company of the same type and size would act. Similar to the application of the business judgment rule, the executive board would not commit a breach of duty if they could reasonably assume, based on sufficient information, that their decision was in the best interest of the company.

  一般来说,《股份有限公司法》第77条概述了执行董事会 "业务管理 "的广泛任务,其中包括为公司采取的所有事实或法律行动。在《股份有限公司法》第83、88、90-92条中还规定了一些具体职责,如执行股东大会决定的合法措施(《股份有限公司法》第 83 条)、向监事会报告(《股份有限公司法》第 90 条)、保存业务记录并及时发现危及公司生存的事态发展(《股份有限公司法》第 91 条)、报告损失并在损失一半股本时召开股东大会(《股份有限公司法》第 92 条)。根据《股份有限公司法》第88条,执行董事会成员不得经营商业企业、在股份公司的业务部门开展业务或担任其他商业公司的管理机构。

  Generally, the broad task of “business management” of the executive board is outlined in § 77 AktG which encompasses every factual or legal action taken for the sake of the company. Some specified duties can be found in §§ 83, 88, 90-92 AktG, such as implementing the lawful measure decided by the general meeting (§ 83 AktG), reporting to the supervisory board (§ 90 AktG), maintaining business records and recognizing developments that endanger the existence of the company in a timely manner(§ 91 AktG), and reporting losses and convene the general meeting in the event of a loss of half of the share capital (§ 92 AktG). According to § 88, board members are prohibited from operating a commercial enterprise, conducting business in the business sector of the stock corporation, or acting as a management body of another commercial company.

  根据《股份有限公司法》第93条的规定,如果执行董事会故意或严重疏忽地违反了这些职责,则应共同承担由此造成的损失和损害赔偿责任。不过,如果执行董事会根据《股份有限公司法》第83条执行措施,则可免除责任(《股份有限公司法》第93 条第4款第1句)。

  In case of an intentional or grossly negligent breach of these duties, the executive board can be held jointly liable for any incurred losses and damages in accordance with § 93 AktG. However, if the board is executing measures according to § 83 AktG, it is exempt from liability (§ 93 paragraph 4 sentence 1 AktG).


  For breaches of duties of the supervisory board members, § 93 AktG applies accordingly, see § 116 AktG. While the executive board members must exercise the care of a diligent and conscientious manager (see above), supervisory board members owe the care of a diligent and conscientious overseer and advisor. They must align their supervisory and advisory activities with the interests of the company and are particularly obliged to maintain confidentiality about received reports and consultations.


  The ongoing supervision of the day-to-day businesses of the executive board is not the responsibility of the supervisory board; instead, they shall focus on the legality, propriety, appropriateness, and efficiency of the board’s actions. An essential part of the board’s duties is therefore the prevention of misconduct by the executive board, and also spans the duty to actively participate in the board, to set an appropriate remuneration for the executive board (§ 87 paragraph 1 AktG), and to maintain a functional organization as well as an overview of the most important business transactions, as recognized through legal practice within the framework of § 116 AktG.


  Both the executive and supervisory boards are the main bodies for the execution of company matters, whereas the general meeting is the platform given to the shareholders to articulate and discuss their concerns as the foundation of the executive branch. The general meeting makes ultimate decisions specifically on cases concerning the appointment of supervisory board members and auditors, the allocation of profits, approval of the remuneration system for supervisory board members, and their formal discharge. Additionally, it oversees amendments to the articles of association, manages capital-related measures, and has the authority to decide on the dissolution of the company. Since it is a platform for shareholders to exercise their rights, they don’t hold responsibilities that they can be held liable for.


  Under the EU directive


  It briefly has to be noted that Germany is a member state of the European Union (EU) and therefore falls under the European directive. These directives are binding as to the result to be achieved but leave national authorities the form of implementation within their own legal system (refer to Article 288 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU).

  最近的一项指令(2024/1760)自 2024 年 7 月 25 日起生效,具有重要意义,因为它明确将可持续性纳入了公司治理。它要求企业在运营和价值链中识别并减轻对人权和环境的影响,因此包括了一些责任,如气候适应性投资;在执行任务时采用基于风险的方法,这意味着行政部门必须根据环境影响的严重性和可能性确定行动的优先次序,并采取适当措施来解决这些问题;以及实施一些实际措施,如制定预防和纠正行动计划、投资基础设施以及调整业务战略,以促进更可持续的企业行为。该指令涵盖全球价值链,包括上游和下游活动。

  One of the most recent directives (2024/1760), effective from 25 July 2024, holds great importance as it explicitly embeds sustainability into corporate governance. It requires companies to identify and mitigate human rights and environmental impacts in their operations and value chains, and therefore includes responsibilities such as climate-resilient investments; a risk-based approach when executing their tasks, meaning that executive branches have to prioritize actions based on the severity and likelihood of environmental impacts and taking appropriate measures to address them; as well as an implementation of practical measures like the development of preventive and corrective action plans, investment in infrastructure as well as adapting business strategies to foster a more sustainable corporate behavior. The directive covers global value chains, including upstream and downstream activities.


  According to Article 27 of the directive, non-compliance can result in penalties such as fines of up to 5% of the company’s net turnover from the preceding financial year, liability for damages caused by failure to conduct adequate due diligence, and other sanctions. A designated authority will supervise and enforce these rules, and “directors” are required to regularly report on their due diligence activities, as well as publicly disclose their policies and results of their activities, so that it is ensured that companies adhere to their sustainability responsibilities.


  Key differences and conclusion


  The Chinese and German legal systems revolving around the responsibilities and with it also the liability of directors or equivalent executive branches are both based on principles of due diligence, fiduciary duty and loyalty, requiring their broad scope of duties to always be executed in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.


  With the revised Chinese Company Law, the written specifications for these duties are now also very similar to the German due diligence requirements, both based on the already existing concept of the business judgment rule. For breaches of duties, both systems impose penalties in forms of damage compensation for incurred losses, making their overall approach very similar in their fundament.


  One of the main differences only lies within the legal structure due to China’s centralized approach and German more complex companies’ structures: Not only are the responsibilities of directors mainly governed by one Company Law, whereas in Germany imposes two separate codifications for LLCs and JSCs; Chinese companies typically have a single board of directors while Germans do not. German JSCs often have a dual-board system instead, made up of an executive board and a supervisory board, while the equivalent of the roles and responsibilities associated with a Chinese board of directors in a German LLC is the combination of the managing director and the shareholders. This system creates a more formalized approach in Germany due to the explicit guidelines for the duties and liabilities for every actor. However, both systems establish similar stringent responsibilities for the executive branch of a company and ensure compliance with corporate governance standards, whereby it is to note that Germany lies under a broader restrictive legal context due to the directives of the EU, thus additionally enhancing their formalized approach.


  Therefore, in conclusion, while both Chinese and German legal frameworks for company directors’ responsibilities differ in their structural approaches, legal contexts and specific legal provisions, they still share common principles and goals which can be summarized as an ensurance that directors uphold high standards of corporate governance, protecting the interests of the company and its shareholders.

  ※实习生Vanessa Tran(德国,中文名:陈婉芹)主笔本文。Vanessa Tran 是来自德国明斯特大学的法律系学生,主修德国法律并辅修国际法,于2023年来到中国华东政法大学进行为期一年的交换学习,在此期间,她在北京德和衡(上海)律师事务所完成了为期四周的实习,对中国公司法有了系统性的了解。