





       4月13日,北京德和衡律师事务所和芬兰Papula Nevinpat律师事务所举行首次战略合作线上会,并就双方都关注的俄罗斯知识产权保护新形势、新问题做了热烈研讨。




       德和衡律所管理合伙人、总裁刘克江博士及Papula Nevinpat律所总裁 、原芬兰专利律师协会会长Mr. Markku Simmelvuo进行了两个律所的介绍和合作意向的表达。随后,德和衡莫斯科律所主任原毅及Papula Nevinpat的俄罗斯知产业务主管Riikka Palmos主任也进行了律所情况的介绍。








       会议研讨部分,德和衡知识产权业务中心代表李颖律师、崔春花律师与Papula Nevinpat的商标专家Riikka Palmos均进行了精彩的演讲和互动,重点研讨了以下问题:


       ❖ 西方各品牌权利人纷纷“撤离”俄罗斯导致的商标恶意抢注、假货问题、预防和救济途径;


       ❖ 俄罗斯网络盗版问题及维权;


       ❖ 俄罗斯对“平行进口”货物放开及对权利人的影响;


       ❖ 涉俄技术转移困境及解决之道;


       ❖ 乌克兰的专利商标的业务情况和续费问题;


       ❖ 俄乌冲突导致的支付问题、官费问题及客户服务、案件管理问题。

















       德和衡凭借突出的业绩和声誉,获得了国内外业界和客户的广泛认可,连续多年被法治日报社、钱伯斯 (Chambers and Partners) 、《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)、《国际金融法律评论》(IFLR1000)、《商法》、Benchmark Litigation 、《英国律师》杂志(The Lawyer)等国内外知名法律媒体和权威评级机构授予各种奖项和荣誉,并在律所排名中处于国际国内领先位置。




       Founded in 2010, Beijing DHH Law Firm (“DHH”) is a law firm dedicated to specialization, standardization, globalization, and client satisfaction. Headquartered in Beijing, DHH has more than 90 professional teams and 2,000 practitioners in more than 30 offices located in China and numerous investment and trade hotspots overseas. As one of the pioneers of legal service globalization in China, DHH has set up multiple Ministry of Justice certified directly owned overseas branches and representative offices in North America, Russia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and other regions


       DHH has a team of top legal talents, all of which have obtained advanced degrees and professional training in China and abroad. In addition, many lawyers are qualified in multiple overseas jurisdictions, and many obtained CPA, Tax Consultant, Financial Advisor, Economist, Patent Agent and other professional qualifications. DHH lawyers are well placed to assist clients with coping with increasingly complicated commercial and legal challenges. 


       With outstanding performance and reputation, DHH is widely acknowledged by peers and clients. DHH Law Firm has earned favorable ratings and honors from domestic and international legal media such as Legal Daily, Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500, Asian Legal Business (ALB), International Financial Law Review (IFLR), China Business Law Journal, Benchmark Litigation, and The Lawyer. 


       As a reputable law firm with elite lawyers, global vision, and local advantage, DHH is committed to providing professional, premium and effective legal services to all clients in China and abroad.




       40多年前(1975), Papula-Nevinpat在芬兰成立。今天,我们芬兰和世界范围内服务于从初创公司到世界500强企业的各类公司,包括美国和中国的企业。这令我们成为芬兰最大的商标,设计和专利代理机构之一。我们的总部设在芬兰赫尔辛基,在芬兰的Lappeenranta市, Tampere市和Pori市设有分部。


       20多年前(1990),做为第一家在俄罗斯被批准注册运营的外资知产公司,我们在欧亚国家一直居于优势市场地位。发展至今天,我们成为该地区知产领域中最大的外资企业。在白俄罗斯,乌克兰,哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦,我们设有办公室。2012年,Papula-Nevinpat 在德国慕尼黑开设了办公室,令我们的欧洲专利业务更为靠近欧专局。




       Papula-Nevinpat was founded in Finland more than 40 years ago. Today we serve hundreds of clients from startups to global Fortune 500 companies in Finland and around the world, including the US and China. This makes us one of the largest trademark, design and patent agencies in Finland. Our head office is in Helsinki, with branch offices in Lappeenranta, Tampere and Pori.


       We also have a strong foothold in Eurasia, as the first foreign IP company to set up an office in Russia more than 20 years ago, and we continue to be the biggest foreign presence there. Other offices in the region include Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.


       In 2012, Papula-Nevinpat opened an office in Munich, in a move to deepen our European patent expertise through closer proximity to the European Patent Office. 


       Our main focus is on drafting, filing and prosecuting IP applications and keeping the obtained IP rights in force by monitoring and paying annuities and renewal fees. We additionally have in-house litigation capabilities for Patent and Trademark matters in Finland, EU, Russia and Eurasia.