

上海  加利福尼亚州 





BA in Theology, St. Josephs’ Semiary and College, Yonkers, NY Master in Theology, St. Joseph’s Seminary and College, Yonkder, NY MBA in Finance & Marketing, Baruch College, CUNY, New York, NY LL.M in Corporate, Finance and Investment Law, Fordham Law School, New York, NY


兰江律师曾任职于美国纽约 Jacob, Medinger & Finnegan 律师事务所,金杜律师事务所(北京), 美国欧亚资本(中国)等。从业十多年以来,在私人财富管理、证券、跨境投资等非诉讼领域积累 了一定的的经验。服务、合作过的客户包括:黑石资本、AIG 保险、Checkmate Capital、 黑石 资本、凯雷资本、陆金所金融、宜信财富、恒昌财富等。
Mr. Lan has worked in several law firms and investment related companies including Jacob, Medinger & Finnegan Law Firm in New York City, King & Wood Mallesons in Beijing, and Eurasia Capital (China), etc.. Presently Mr. Lan works at BJ DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm as its senior consultant. With more than ten years of service and practice in industry or related areas, Mr. Lan has accumulated quite of experiences in private wealth management, securities (SPAC), cross-border invesments and other non-litigation fields such as ODI and QDLP&QFLP, etc.. During the past decades, Clients Mr. Lan has served and business entities he has cooperated with include Blackstone Capital, AIG Insurance, Checkmate Capital, Blackstone Capital, Carlyle Capital, Lufax Finance, CreditEase Wealth Management, Hengchang Wealth Management, etc.

参与的案例 CASES Participated:

¤ 私人财富管理。为国内高净值人群提供境内外信托架构设计服务境内家族信托法律履行监 察人职务、进行委托人背景尽职调查等。
Private wealth management. Provide foreign/off-shore trust planning and legal services to numerous domestic high-net-worth families, such as BVI trusts, US FGT trusts and Canyman trusts, meantime cooperate with top domestic trust companies to provide family trust legal services to families who prefers domestic family trust. Services provided include trust structure planning, supervisory duties conducting, and due diligence performance on clients’ financial status.
¤ 私募、风投。 代表美国投资方参与哈尔滨某二级学院的股权并购、北京某软件学院的资 产并购、无锡某演艺学院的股权并购、酷六网的股权并购等项目。参与谈判、并购、交易 的整个环节,撰写投资备忘录、尽职调查报告、提供法律意见书。
Private equity and venture capital. Represent an American institutional investor in its acquisition of a secondary college in Harbin, the asset acquisition of a software technology college in Beijing, the equity acquisition of a performing arts academy in Wuxi, and the equity acquisition of Ku6.com. Participate in the whole process of negotiations, mergers&acquisitions, draft investment memorandum and due diligence reports, and provide legal opinions, etc.
¤ 海外投融资。使用 QDLP/QFLP 和 ODI 作为金融和法律工具,为境内企业走出去和境 外企业走进了提供投资服务。
代表案例:代表上海某房企在美国开发项目提供融资服 务,为南京某投资公司投资医夏威夷疗养老产业提供法律尽职调查和投资法律意见 书,为北京某投资公司投资旧金山的教育机构提供尽职调查法律服务等。
Overseas investment and financing. By the means of ODI and QDLP&QFLP as financial and legal tools to facilitate both outbound and inbound investment services for a number of Chinese PRC enterprises and that of the U.S. as well. Projects undertaken include developing a project in Long Island, NY, USA for a medium-sized real estate company in Shanghai, provide ODI service to a Nanjing investment company in its acquiring a senior living facility in Hawaii, provide QFLP service to an U.S. firm to acquire an secondary educational institutes in Beijing. Assist a PRC company through ODI to acquire an education institute in San Francisco. Specific legal services provided including the due diligent report and legal opinion drafting, contract review, project struct planning, etc.
¤ IPO/SPAC。参与的项目有丰汇小贷(Nasdaq),酷六网奈斯达克上市等项目。
尽职调查,出具意见书:就公司基本情况及历史沿革,公司组织机构,公司股东情况,公 司资产状况,公司财务资料,其他重大事项进行尽职调查,并出具法律意见。
审核壳公司成立的相关文件,投资意向书/投资备忘录和换股协议/并购协议,VIE 搭建:协助办理 BVI、Cayman、香港公司的设立;协助办理中国境内 WFOE 的设立等;根据目标公司 的商业诉求及尽职调查情况,就整体交易架构提供可行性法律意见和建议;对目标公司存 在的及未来上市过程中可能面临的法律问题、法律风险提供合规整改思路和解决方案;协助签订并购协议:协助审核交接计划,协助审核合同规定的各项条件的落实;协助起草、 审阅并修改相关法律文件;与其他专业机构合作共同推进 SPAC 上市事宜;出具法律意见书。
IPO/SPAC. Participate in the listing of two companies: Fenghui Direct Lending(NASDAQ), Ku6.com. Duties performed include: Conduct due diligence and provide legal opinion: investigate into the target company and its proposed listing business, identify legal issues and risks, including: Basic information and historical evolution of the company, Organizational structure of the company, Shareholders of the company, Company asset status, Financial information of the company, and the other significant matters. Eventually coming up with a legal opinion on the proposed listing company in overall. Review relevant documents: Review documents for the establishment of the shell company, Investment memorandum, Stock Exchange Agreement/Merger and Acquisition Agreement. VIE setup: Assist in establishment of BVI, Cayman and a Hong Kong company; Assist in the establishment of WFOE within China; Provide feasible legal opinions and suggestions on the overall transaction structure based on the target company's business demands and due diligence situation; Provide compliance rectification ideas and solutions for legal issues and risks that the target company may face in the future listing process. Assist in signing merger and acquisition agreements: Assist in reviewing the handover plan, the implementation of various conditions stipulated in the contract, drafting, reviewing, and revising relevant legal documents; Collaborate with other professional entities to jointly promote the listing of SPAC; Provide a legal opinion letter.
